Isobel Lewis - 68 years
Huguette Daguerre – 42 years
Terry Clark – 24 years
Eric Charpentier – 3 years
Marion Loffelmann – 8th
We started the night with a delicious pot luck supper, with wonderful casseroles and desserts made by the members.
This month we had the honour of welcoming our new Worthy Grand Matron, Sister Fabienne Winter, who was presented at the Altar, warmly welcomed by the Worthy Matron, Sister Barbara Wheaton, G.G.C.C.M on Public Relations, PGM of Vermont, escorted to the East and given Grand Honours.
Also presented at the Altar were Sister Brenda Shaw-Radford, G.G.C.C.M. and Chairperson on Unfinished Business, Sisters Hélène LeBel, Anita Young, Grand Secretary and Alana Farrell, Past Grand Matrons and Brother John Wise, Terence Radford and William Winter, Past Grand Patrons.
Welcomed in the West were Brothers Gordon Young, Associate Grand Patron and Glenn Munkres, Grand Sentinel.
This evening we received a Petition for Degrees from Mrs. Katherine Siavichay. An investigation committee was appointed and we look forward to positive feedback.
We received a letter from Lake St. Louis Chapter #45 requesting to have a joint reception for Sister Judy Christiansen and Brother Gordon Young, if elected as WGM and WGP next October 2011. It was, of course, unanimously agreed that we accept.
Under New Business, the Worthy Matron presented the gavel to the Worthy Patron for the Election of Officers for the ensuing year. The following officers were elected to office:
Heather MacDonald, P.M. – Worthy Matron
Terence Radford, P.G.P. – Worthy Patron
Terry Clark, P.M. – Associate Matron
Robert Wheaton, P.P. – Associate Patron
Alana Farrell, P.G.M. – Secretary
Gordon Young, AGP – Treasurer
Brenda Shaw-Radford, G.G.C.C.M. – Conductress
Anita Young, P.G.M. – Associate Conductress
Barbara Wheaton, G.G.C.C.M. – Trustee for 3 years.
We will be having an Open Installation in November and we hope that our prospective candidate and her husband will be able to attend.
The Benevolent Collection was taken and those approaching the Birthday Box were congratulated by the Worthy Patron.
We were delighted to hear a few words from Sister Fabienne Winter, WGM, Sister Hélène LeBel, PGM and Brother Glenn Munkres, Grand Sentinel.
We look forward to welcoming everyone to our November meeting when we will be Installing the new slate of officers.
Also presented at the Altar were Sister Brenda Shaw-Radford, G.G.C.C.M. and Chairperson on Unfinished Business, Sisters Hélène LeBel, Anita Young, Grand Secretary and Alana Farrell, Past Grand Matrons and Brother John Wise, Terence Radford and William Winter, Past Grand Patrons.
Welcomed in the West were Brothers Gordon Young, Associate Grand Patron and Glenn Munkres, Grand Sentinel.
This evening we received a Petition for Degrees from Mrs. Katherine Siavichay. An investigation committee was appointed and we look forward to positive feedback.
We received a letter from Lake St. Louis Chapter #45 requesting to have a joint reception for Sister Judy Christiansen and Brother Gordon Young, if elected as WGM and WGP next October 2011. It was, of course, unanimously agreed that we accept.
Under New Business, the Worthy Matron presented the gavel to the Worthy Patron for the Election of Officers for the ensuing year. The following officers were elected to office:
Heather MacDonald, P.M. – Worthy Matron
Terence Radford, P.G.P. – Worthy Patron
Terry Clark, P.M. – Associate Matron
Robert Wheaton, P.P. – Associate Patron
Alana Farrell, P.G.M. – Secretary
Gordon Young, AGP – Treasurer
Brenda Shaw-Radford, G.G.C.C.M. – Conductress
Anita Young, P.G.M. – Associate Conductress
Barbara Wheaton, G.G.C.C.M. – Trustee for 3 years.
We will be having an Open Installation in November and we hope that our prospective candidate and her husband will be able to attend.
The Benevolent Collection was taken and those approaching the Birthday Box were congratulated by the Worthy Patron.
We were delighted to hear a few words from Sister Fabienne Winter, WGM, Sister Hélène LeBel, PGM and Brother Glenn Munkres, Grand Sentinel.
We look forward to welcoming everyone to our November meeting when we will be Installing the new slate of officers.
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