Margaret Butler – 53 years
Joyce Thompson – 50 years
Brenda Shaw Radford – 50 years
Shirley Boulton Hall – 28 years
Heather MacDonald – 19 years
Gordon Young – 4th
Tootsie Wise – 6th
Huguette Daguerre – 7th
Eric Charpentier – 9th
Anne Gallacher – 13th
As our Worthy Matron, Sister Heather MacDonald could not be with us this evening, Sister Barbara Wheaton pro-temed as Worthy Matron.
We had a number of visitors this evening to help us celebrate the initiation of a new member. Welcomed at the Altar were Sister Fabienne Winter, Worthy Grand Matron and Brother Eric Sanborn, Worthy Grand Patron, Sisters Margaret Hourston, G.G.C.C.M. on ESTARL, and Brenda Shaw-Radford, G.G.C.C.M. on Unfinished Business, Sisters Anita Young, Alana Farrell and Beverley Sanborn, Past Grand Matrons and Brothers Rodney Jenne, John Wise, Terence Radford and William Winter, Past Grand Patrons. All were welcomed by the Worthy Matron, Sister Barbara Wheaton, G.G.C.C.M. on Public Relations and Past Grand Matron of Vermont, and received Grand Honours.
Welcomed in the West were Sisters Judy Christiansen, Associate Grand Matron, Marguerite Blair, Grand Martha and Patricia Green –Milberg, Grand Electa and Brothers Gordon Young, Associate Grand Patron, Archie Christiansen, Grand Trustee, William Miller, Grand Warder and Glenn Munkres, Grand Sentinel.
Bro. William Miller, WM Pro-tem Sis. Barbara Wheaton, Sister Katherine Siavichay & WP Bro. Terence Radford |
It was with a heavy heart that we draped our Altar for our Most Worthy Grand Patron, Brother Fred Clarke, Past Grand Patron of Nova Scotia and P.E.I.
After the draping, the accounts and communications were then dealt with by the Worthy Matron. Brother Gordon Young has once again volunteered to look after the Sign-a-Line for Grand Chapter.
It was reported that Sister Terry Clark, our Associate Matron has been ill in hospital. We wish her a speady recovery.
Sis. Dorothy Winder & Sis. Brenda Shaw-Radford |
After the Benevolent collection was taken we were honoured to have a few words from Sister Fabienne Winter, WGM, Brother Eric Sanborn, WGP, Sister Margaret Hourston, G.G.C.C.M. and Sister Judy Christiansen, Associate Grand Matron.
Sisters Tootsie Wise was conducted to the East where the Worthy Grand Matron presented her with a Grand Representatives Commission to Rhode Island. Sister Barbara Wheaton (already being in the East) was also presented a Commission to the State of Maine. Congratulations to both of you.
The meeting closed at 10:25 with the Worthy Matron and Worthy Grand Matron giving the farewell address.